понедельник, 21 января 2013 г.

Fondant Icing Recipe

Fondant Icing Recipe

This Fondant icing is used to glaze petit four frais. It can be flavored and coloured. Knead then flavour and colour as desired, roll out, cut and dip in chocolate or roll and dip in garnishes or in chocolate.
2 c sugar
2/3 c water
1 T glucose (no substitutions)

Prep: Sprinkle a large slab of marble or a large, heavy, smooth surfaced baking sheet with cold water.
Over medium heat, stir very gently sugar, water and glucose in heavy saucepan until the sugar has dissolved. Increase temperature and bring to boil. Cover pot and boil for three minutes.
Remove lid and place in candy thermometer. Continue to boil until the temperature reaches 240°F, soft ball stage. Remove from heat and immediately dip the bottom into cold water to stop cooking.
Pour this hot syrup onto the prepared marble and leave to cool for a couple of minutes. Using a damp metal spatula or metal scraper, lift the edges of the syrup and fold back into the center.
Keep doing this until the mixture turns glossy, and is pale yellow in color. Then use a heavy wooden spoon to work the mixture in a continous figure eight for about 5 to 10 mintues.
Keep doing this action until the mixture turns white, is crumbly and stirring with the spoon is extremely difficult. Moisten hands and knead the fondant for about 5 to 10 minutes, or until the mixture feels moist and is perfectly free of lumps.
Use the metal scraper to lift the fondant if it sticks to the surface. Form the fondant into a ball and place in on a moistened plate. Cover with damp cloth, and leave it in a cool place for 12 hours to ripen.
Dust your work surface with sifted powdered sugar, and place the fondant on that. Press it out flat. If coloring, make slits in the fondant and drop the colouring into those slits. Knead well and use as desired.

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